December 2023

Once-upon-a-time Anna had a career in London, her creativity bent as a prism into her work; it was you could say inevitable that she would eventually become an artist and writer. The path was challenging, a terrible tragedy, a year later a second. As the protagonist in her own story she battled to reach her goal, it took five years. Happily she graduated in 2016 from Chelsea College of Art.

Sound and words sprang from the first tragedy, bereavement – the aural was potent in her art. After the second tragedy Anna was limited physically but still determined; bizarrely the theatre of the absurd came knocking and cried out for surreal twists in the moving-image. 

Wake-up, walk-in, look, listen and feel – walk-in, the door is open.

‘Lets leave London darling. Destination Deal.’

Stories and poetry published in Anthologies and performed. 

Then in 2023 a murmur, Lets make art again, those piles of old wildlife calendars, magazines and other printed ephemera. Let them see the light!

An array of images, each hand-cut, just three or twenty-three, to re-frame the view point, to create curiosity and consider that Earth, our home, this tumultuous stage needs characters in a new narrative to protect all natural life.

Scissors, pencil, ink, chalk, oil-pastel and painting. Cut-snip-stick-rub-draw.

Anna would like to work with a composer and finish her novel.
